
紅色的加拉凱台,雖然譯名是西遼 Kara-Khitai

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題目:Driving ____ Influence (DUI) is one of the major factors in the cause of collisions.
選項:(A) Under (B) Upon (C) Until (D) Unable

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題目:Creative methods of drug _____ were devised, with women swallowing plastic baggies of cocaine and travelling into the country.

選項:(A) smuggling (B) embezzling (C) stealing (D) thieving

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題目 :Animal ____ is now a year-round problem because urbanization has threatened wildlife, and people get crazy when an animal invades their home.
選項:(A) nuisance (B) pension (C) shelter (D) plague

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題目:The terrorist organization aims to kill anyone who doesn't practice the strict interpretation of its belief.
選項:(A) sensation (B) indifference (C) complement (D) interpretation

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題目 :The hurricane was so destructive that people had to survive without ____ for several days.
選項:(A) principles (B) wind (C) electricity (D) flooding

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題目:When we hear a ____ , we should not panic. We should distinguish whether it's produced by ambulances, police cars, fire trucks, or one indicating air-raid, and then act accordingly.
選項:(a) shout (B) blame (C) noise (D) siren

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題目:Do we have an ____ plan in place if this one doesn't work out?
選項:(A) associative (B) alternative (C) occasional (D) essential

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