目前分類:Zeliard神劍封魔(澤利亞德大陸)中文故事 (7)

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Welcome. You must be cold. Helada used to be a warm, prosperous place, but Jashin has turned it into a cold ruin.

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This once was a forest surrounding a temple, but the temple was destroyed by Jashiin.
Now the village of Bosque is desolate. I hope YOU are here to help us.

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PLACE: Cavern of Peligro

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Welcome, stranger. You must have come through the labyrinths from the outside world. We have not encountered such a brave person in a very long time. You should visit the great sage Yasmin -- she will be anxious to meet you.
大鼻子:「歡迎,陌生人。 您一定經歷了來自外面世界的迷宮。 我們已經很長時間沒有遇到過如此勇敢的人了。 您應該去拜訪偉大的賢人。」Yasmin 。她很渴望與您會面。

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PLACE: Cavern of Malicia

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Two thousand years, from the dark reaches of another galaxy, a demon with not a shred of compassion for humankind, descended upon earth.


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