題目:A new form of identification relies on DNA, which carries
     the________information of each person.

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題目:We went to the mall to buy some____for our new apartment, including a refrigerator; a stove, and a dishwasher.
選項:(A) facilities (B) utensils (C) appliances (D) supplements

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題目:Tort law can be defined as the law of _____.
選項:(A) civil disobedience (B) civil wrongs (C) civil commitment (D) civil disability

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題目:Gender stereotypes are set in children as early as age 6, so it's crucial to introduce an age-_____ curriculum with regard to gender equality.
選項:(A) proof (B) appropriate (C) eligible (D) resistant

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題目:Fire detection and alarm systems are important systems relevant to detecting the presence of products of combustion, notifying response teams, and providing information to building occupants.
選項:(A) Fire detection and alarm systems (B) Fire suppression systems (C) Egress systems (D)Firefighting systems

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題目:According to the R.O.C. Patent Act, the patentee filing a request for amending the description, claim(s) or drawing(s) of a granted inv enti on pate nt shall not conduct which of the following?
選項:(A) To clarify ambiguous statement(s) (B) To increase claim(s) (C) To narrow down the scope of claim(s) (D) To correct errors or translation errors

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